Bullying and the Teen Years
Another school year is rapidly approaching, and with it a whole slew of parental fears and worry. Our guests are here to help quell the panic by giving you the tools you need to keep your kids safe, healthy, and happy during some very tough years – the teen years.
Segment 1: Total Package Girl
Segment 2: Staying Connected
Segment 3: The Internet
Segment 4: Warning Signs
Segment 5: The Right Tools
Segment 6: Label the Behavior, Not the Kid
Total Package Girl | SEGMENT 1 | #140
Life isn’t always easy; in fact, it usually isn’t. Life for teen girls can be especially difficult, and there’s no playbook or guide on how to navigate that time in life. Kristi Hoffman (@TotalPkgGlobal) recognized this lack of resources and wrote a book – “Total Package Girl.”
Staying Connected | SEGMENT 2 | #140
How do you approach “red flag” issues that you child doesn’t want to talk about? Kristi Hoffman (@TotalPkgGlobal) shares her tips to staying connected with your teen during the toughest years.
The Internet | SEGMENT 3 | #140
Times sure have changed. The World Wide Web has given today’s teens a new outlet, and today’s parents a new source of gray hair inducing worry. Social media and cyberbullying are important, relevant, and extremely tricky topics to cover. How can parents help their kids stay safe?
Warning Signs | SEGMENT 4 | #140
One of the biggest back-to-school concerns is bullying. Dr. Brian Johnson and Dr. Laurie Berdahl wrote a book called “Warning Signs” to help parents recognize and address bullying, whether your child is the victim or the bully. Find out more in this segment.
The Right Tools | SEGMENT 5 | #140
How can we talk to our kids about bullying? What should they do if they see someone being bullied, or they become a victim? Dr. Brian Johnson and Dr. Laurie Berdahl have a few tricks up their sleeves.
Label the Behavior, Not the Kid | SEGMENT 6 | #140
Arguably one of the worst moments a parent can face is when they find out their child is a bully. We often think that bullies come from violent, unruly households, but this isn’t always true. Bullies can be bored, entitled kids from good families just as easily. Listen in and learn how you can address this issue if your child is the aggressor.