Time Management Made Simple
Are you waging war against the clock? Finding time for things like exercise, home cooked meals, and R&R may sound like a fairy tale, but our experts aim to make you a pro at balancing your busy week.
Segment 1: Reset and Restore
Segment 2: Busy but Balanced
Segment 3: 168 Hours
Segment 4: Food Allergy Research
Segment 5: Sugar Wars
Segment 6: Cooking for Health
Reset and Restore | SEGMENT 1 | #125
What three things can you do over the weekend that will charge your batteries for a busy work week ahead? Author of “I Know How She Does It”, Laura Vanderkam (@lvanderkam) says answering this question is your secret weapon to a productive week.
Busy but Balanced | SEGMENT 2 | #125
Does your life feel like it’s bulging at the seems? Bettina Bush argues that living life maxed-out isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Then, we learn about Laura Vanderkam (@lvanderkam) e-book series, “What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast.”
168 Hours | SEGMENT 3 | #125
Get the most out of your week. Laura Vanderkam (@lvanderkam) does the math to figure out how much time you actually have to fit in life between work and sleep.
Food Allergy Research | SEGMENT 4 | #125
Fear of creating food allergies has stopped parents from diversifying infant diets. Not only could this increase the odds of food allergies, it may lead to a picky eater. Dr. Tanya Altmann (@DrTanyaAltmann) debunks this old way of thinking and urges parents to break out the peanut butter, prunes and green veggies early on.
Sugar Wars | SEGMENT 5 | #125
It can be an uphill battle to control what foods your child is exposed to, especially when it comes to sugar. Author of “What to Feed Your Baby”, Dr. Tanya Altmann (@DrTanyaAltmann) offers tips to sustaining a nutrient-rich diet for the whole family.
Cooking for Health | SEGMENT 6 | #125
It can be difficult to find the time (and energy) to create a homemade, healthy meal during the busy work week. Dr. Tanya Altmann recommends setting aside time to batch cook meals. Bonus Tip: Cook breakfast the night before for a no-hassle meal that gets your day started right.